
Countering Misinformation

Misinformation leads to ill-informed policies, fuels hate and shapes public perceptions. To counter the spread and impact of misinformation, we produce fact-checks, create documentaries and record a weekly podcast. We look into disinformation, and strengthen critical media literacy across civil society.


  • Rouhani Meter

    Rouhani Meter is the first promise-tracking platform for Iran. It seeks to monitor the performance of work on promises made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The project’s goal is to increase the capacity of the Iranian public to hold their government accountable by providing accessible and reliable information on President Rouhani’s commitments.

    Technology for social good, Government Accountability, Access To Information, Countering Misinformation

Open Information

When information is power, transparency and openness holds power to account. We work with our partners to publish research on government corruption, build open data platforms and provide people with tools to hold public officials accountable.

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Community Building

Community building description

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Access To Information

People deserve secure access to information and the freedom to add their voices online. We work closely with user communities and our partners to develop censorship-resilient solutions, and provide people with the tools and resources to securely communicate and safely access information.

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Government Accountability

As the tactics for coordinated disinformation campaigns become more sophisticated, we’re building new technology to strengthen our collective defenses.

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Technology for social good

From ideation to design, localization to product development, we work with our partners to advance human rights and create positive social impact through technology. We design and develop our solutions with and for diverse communities through a human-centered and privacy-first design approach.

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