
Rouhani Meter

دستاورد‌های گذشته

  • Brand strategy

  • Brans identity

  • User research

  • Art direction

  • Web design

  • Web development

راه‌اندازی شده در 


روحانی‌سنج یک پلتفرم برای دنبال کردن وعده‌‌های دولت روحانی در ایران بود.

  • 100,000daily intercations
  • 50%statistic
  • 8media coverages

The social impact that happened. Increased responses from President Rouhani. Discussion on social media etc.



    Accountability and transparency Introducing Rouhani Meter

    Rouhani Meter is the first promise-tracking platform for Iran. It seeks to monitor the performance of work on promises made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The project’s goal is to increase the capacity of the Iranian public to hold their government accountable by providing accessible and reliable information on President Rouhani’s commitments. Using data from Iran’s Statistics Center, the platform’s interactive map ranks the provinces on these indicators and highlights some of the most pressing issues in each area.

    Rouhani Meter is the first promise-tracking platform for Iran. It seeks to monitor the performance of work on promises made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The project’s goal is to increase the capacity of the Iranian public to hold their government accountable by providing accessible and reliable information on President Rouhani’s commitments.

    "Rouhani Meter is the first promise-tracking platform for Iran. It seeks to monitor the performance of work on promises made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani."

    Rouhani Meter

    Segment 2

    پروژه‌های مربوط

    • Rouhani Meter

      روحانی‌سنج یک پلتفرم برای دنبال کردن وعده‌‌های دولت روحانی در ایران بود.

      دسترسی به اطلاعات
    به جهت‌یابی بروید

    با ما تماس بگیرید

    • ایمیل

    • PGP رمزنگاری شده


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